BTL - Volume X - Teaching 283

The Book of True Life - Teachings of the Divine Master - 
Volume X - Teaching 277 - 309  
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Book of True Life - Volume10

Teaching 283

1 Beloved disciples, you come here from different ways, and you unite in the moment of prayer to lift up the soul to the Father. I receive you, hear my voice. Return to Me when you have lost the way. Today you are with Me. For a long time I have been calling you, and truly I tell you, I have been expecting each one of you.

2 I receive you who have come together here, I receive you on behalf of mankind. That which I grant you, I have granted to all your fellow men with it. Those who have come into the shade of this tree, and those who are far from it, are loved by me in the same way.

3 Pray, people, this is the language of the soul. But learn this language, so that when you speak to me, you may understand me at the same time. Speak to Me with respect and humility, but with the trust you have in a father - with the confidentiality with which you speak to a friend.

4 Open your heart, this is my temple, and allow the sound of my voice to be heard in its interior, which is advice, inspiration and revelation.

5 When you penetrate into the meaning of my teachings, and you know my voice, as a sheep knows the voice of its shepherd, you will understand that I have spoken to you at all times and in every moment of your life If it were not so, "the Word" would not be eternal.

6 Man has always been in my eyes like a little child threatened by dangers and falls, and since I am his father, I love him and guide him, even if his heart is sometimes deaf to my advice, my cries and my lessons

7 Today men are going through a period of great trials, but not because I rejoice in their pain, but because men must righteously cleanse themselves when they have defiled themselves.

8 You all know that I love the pure, that only the pure comes to Me. This your conscience tells you.

9 The light of My Spirit is poured out on all flesh and on every spirit, so that you may study and interpret the trials which life gives you daily as lessons, so that you may know yourselves and understand the task which you have brought to earth.

10 Why do many of you fear that your fate has been written down by Me with trials, pains, punishments or misfortunes? how can you come to think that He who loves you in a perfect way is giving you a path full of thorns? Verily, I tell you, the fatal and fateful way is the one you choose according to your will, thinking that on it you will find joys, freedom, bliss, without realizing that it is the very way you are destined to go, from which you will depart, on which true peace, security, strength and health, well-being and abundance are to be found.

11 This way, which I offer you in my teaching, is the one that is predetermined for your soul from its creation so that you may finally find on it what you desire

12 Blessed are those who return to the way when they hear this word, for in it they will find the heritage which they had rejected.

13 In my way there are also trials, but these are instructions for the soul, are light and revelation, whereby life gives you an impetus to stop you in the frenzied course which leads you to destruction.

14 Thousand trials you are subject to, disciples, so that all the faculties of your spiritual soul may be awakened and all the strings of your heart may be brought into harmony.

15 This people is the strong son who has the prophecies and the teachings. this is why I am telling him ceaselessly that he should exercise my word, that he should apply it to his life so that he may know the value of his gifts, that he should eagerly seek the meaning of my teaching so that he may discover the lights I promised you then when I told you that I would send you the Spirit of Truth to explain to you the previous revelations

16 I allow this people to grow in secret and unknown, without mankind noticing its presence, until the hour comes to break the silence, which will happen when these people have united in truth and in spirit.

17 When you hear me, your being trembles with love, and you ask yourselves, "Where have I heard this voice before? Others say when they hear Me: "It seems to me as if I see the Master preaching on the bank of a river or on a mountain. Where do you think I have seen Him?"

18 Yes, people, your faith tells you that it is I who speak to you, though you know that I have not become man For I told you that I would come "in the cloud" and so I have fulfilled it.

19 If I have used the intellect of man to speak to you, it is because if I had spoken to you from spirit to spirit, you would not have heard me and would have understood me even less.

20 But this kind of announcement has been short and now comes to an end soon because it was only necessary for it that some get to know me so that they would know how you are to get in touch with me in the future according to my will and announce it to mankind.

21 I will make of you one family. For this it is absolutely necessary that you have one form of worship and follow the same law.

22 You, people, begin to present that example of brotherhood and unity. Until you achieve this, you will not be able to rise from the secrecy in which you find yourselves to the light of the way in which your mission awaits you.

23 The light which radiates from this spiritual teaching illuminates the spirit of mankind, and when men once come to have a true knowledge of the times in which they are presently living, they will recognize with absolute clarity the essence of this teaching which will outshine all your religions. You ask me, "Master, are not the religions true then? To this I say to you: If they were the truth, only one would exist, because the truth is one. Each of them contains a part of that highest light; they are all ways that guide the soul and bring it closer to the source of knowledge.

24 No man possesses the absolute truth, nor is it contained in any book. This divine clarity, this almighty power, this infinite love, this unbounded wisdom, this perfect righteousness is in God. He is the only truth.

25 Understand my teaching word. Every religion is a way to comprehend the truth, but not the truth itself. Therefore you see the differences that exist between them. I tell you once more that if they contained the highest truth, they would all be equal and one single conception, one worldview, would constitute one single way to reach Me.

26 Therefore, once my teaching is recognized in the world, man's understanding will place it above any religion, because he understands that he must not represent or materialize it in any way, since he then does not apply it to life itself. You should now understand that this teaching is not there to make it sensually perceptible through symbols, but to feel it in the soul. Once you understand it in this way, then you will be able to offer the Father the inward worship which is the true worship, which happens without ostentation, without hypocrisy, without selfish interests.

27 The spiritual teaching is not a theory, it is a practical instruction for both human life and the life of the soul. There is no other, more comprehensive and perfect teaching than this. It accompanies you even before you come to earth, it follows you throughout your day's work in this world and merges with your soul when it returns to its former home.

28 It will not be I who removes from your worship the liturgy and traditions - it will be the spirit of man who involuntarily rises above his old ideas in the face of the need for greater light to illuminate his path of development. Soon man will understand that the only thing he can offer to God is the exercise of love, because love means goodness, mercy, wisdom and justice.

29 Spiritualism does not erase any of the words that Christ once proclaimed. If it were not so, he would not be allowed to give himself that name, since he would be opposing the truth. How could this word be against that, since it is the same Master who pronounces it. If you would really penetrate the meaning of this teaching, you would see that my word of today is the explanation or explanation of all that I once said. Therefore the humanity of today and that of the future is able to understand more than that of past generations and therefore to fulfill the Law in a purer, higher and truer way.

30 If you observe your fellow men closely in their religious practice, you will see that they now look upon what was formerly the object of their worship without inner sympathy. The reason for this is that the soul awakens of its own accord and craves for what it can truly nourish. This is why I tell you that the outward cult practice of this humanity is destined to disappear.

31 To you who receive this word, it is your duty to present my work in all its simplicity, spirituality, purity, and simplicity, without leaving any possibility of falling into the error of creating rites, of creating new traditions or new symbols that will lead you astray from the true path.

32 The time for representing the divine or the spiritual through material forms is over. If mankind has created symbols and images because in those times the law was carved in stone and the prophets were human beings, and because "the Word" became man and was seen with the physical eyes, I come to you today in spirit, and my messengers come to you in spirit as well. What new symbols or new forms could you create of the infinite, the unrepresentable?

33 Spiritual teaching is the expression and the true nourishment of the spiritual soul. Therefore it separates itself from every materialization and every pompous cult.

34 Because of all that I have told you this day, you will understand how great your responsibility is towards your fellow men.

35 Obey what my word shows you, and it will be the best way to present my work before others.

36 Exercise mercy, give light, free from error him who has fallen in them. Create a work of peace, brotherhood and unity, then my love will accompany your steps.

37 Understand that I am light in the mind of men who strive for the development of their soul. I am the consolation for those who are oppressed by suffering.

38 For a long time I have not revealed myself to the world in words, and so now that it can be heard again, you come eagerly to hear the Master and get to know his new message

39 From time to time it is necessary that my spirit manifests itself in some way accessible and understandable to your comprehension. This need to speak to you is based on your disobedience to my law, your deviation from the true way.

40 Man is the most rebellious creature in creation because of the freedom of will he enjoys. Until today he has not wanted to submit to the instructions of his conscience.

41 My word wants to hold back some, give orientation to others, strengthen all in truth and save you from the abysses.

42 Take no offence at the manner in which I now reveal myself, which is so different from that of the "second time. Know that I have never used the same form twice, for it would mean to let you remain with one and the same teaching, and I always come to teach you new lessons and to help you take new steps.

43 The bliss reaches me, which your soul feels when it hears me, because it knows that every instruction from me is light, encouragement, knowledge and preparation for him who knows how to use it

44 Undoubtedly the disciple who uses them is a man who feels secure in life, who has faith in his destiny, who no longer fears death and instead enjoys the thought of that spiritual life which awaits him.

45 Blessed is he that heareth my teachings, and taketh them to be his own, and doeth them: for he shall know how to live in the world, and shall know how to die to the world, and when his hour is come shall rise again for ever.

46 Blessed is he who is immersed in my word, for he has come to understand the reason for the pain, the meaning of reparation and atonement, and instead of despairing or blaspheming, by which he would increase his torment, he rises up full of faith and hope to fight, so that the burden of his debts may be lighter every day and his cup of suffering less bitter.

47 Cheerfulness and peace is proper to men of faith - those who agree with the Father's will.

48 How light-filled would your life be, and how great and pioneering would your science be, if you would love your neighbor and do the will of your Father - if you would sacrifice some of your freedom of will and work according to what your conscience commands you. Your science would then, in crossing the limits of the material, touch the supernatural; for, up to now, it has not even approached those limits.

49 What dismay the soul of the scientist feels when it leaves this world and finally faces the divine truth! There it shamefully lowers its face and asks for forgiveness for its arrogance. She believed she knew and was able to do everything, denying that anything existed that lay beyond her knowledge or understanding. But now that she stands before the Book of Life, before the infinite work of the Creator, she must recognize her wretchedness and wrap herself in humility before Him who is absolute wisdom.

50 Why not leaf through this book already here, since it is permitted and commanded by Me? Why not prepare yourself through spiritualization to reach it and learn in its pages the lesson that enlightens or the revelation that explains the mysteries?

51 Know, people, that not only you are able to receive spiritual messages and inspirations. There are many people in the world who, not knowing that I am pouring out my word through these voice bearers, sense the nearness of a light that is ready to pour out on mankind in revelations. They will receive from my Spirit the necessary preparation, so that when they hear your testimony and you convey my divine message to them, they will say, rejoicing, "This is what I hoped for.

52 I am preparing you in this way so that, when the moment comes for you to meet, you may be able to form bonds of union and understand each other.

53 I tell you again that it is not you alone who receive enlightenment from my spirit at this time. For the time will come when all the messages received in different forms will together constitute a single spiritual power on this world. You will contribute yours - what I am handing over to you, that is: my new revelations. For the law is not new; it is the same as that which I gave you in the past times - the heritage of the great truth, which I reminded you of so that you do not stray from the path. The law, beloved people, is the seed of the world of tomorrow.

54 Today you are still living through an epoch of doubt, skepticism and mistrust. But this divine light, which radiates on every soul, will dispel even the last shadow of uncertainty, and truth will then reign in the life of men.

55 You who hear my word of peace, my lesson of love, should never create a work of discord. On the contrary, your aspiration should always be to unite, to make peace, to achieve the fulfillment of the commandment that teaches you to love one another.

56 In nature, events will occur that the scientists of mankind will not be able to explain. Then let your word explain with humility, but also with certainty and self-confidence, the cause of many events and phenomena for which no solution had been found.

57 What is nature but a great creature? Yes, disciple, a creature that likewise develops, purifies, unfolds and perfects itself, so that in its womb it may shelter the men of tomorrow.

58 How often are you discontented with their natural transitional phenomena for the attainment of that perfection, and consider them to be God's punishments, without realizing that you too are purifying, developing, and going toward perfection together with nature and creation.

59 Even if today you do not understand what I am telling you, you will have enough knowledge in his time - to the degree that you are in harmony with everything that surrounds you in such a way that nothing harms you, that nothing depresses you or makes you ill, because you have then achieved to be above the material and not under the rule of the forces of nature

60 You are so immature that often, instead of admiring the signs that nature gives, you are afraid.

61 When will you be like princes in the midst of this creation and not slaves, as you are now?

62 Do you think it pleases Me to see you praying in horror and begging God for mercy on you when you see the forces of nature unleashed? I want to see you full of peace of mind, to see the works of your Father admired, without your lives gradually withering away. I want to receive such prayers from you that spring from a heart full of peace, obedience, understanding.

63 Ah, if only, from the moment your eyes are opened to see the light of this life, you would strive to attain true harmony with the spiritual and with nature! You would understand how beautiful is the existence that the Creator has given you, whose path leads to Eternal Life! To help you to attain it, I have come in this Third Time to repeat to you my previous teachings.

Remember that I told you, "I will come to you once more. But my coming has not been in a body as in the Second Time, I have come in spirit to reveal to you my essence, presence and power. Among unbelievers and sinners, I am making myself known at this time to give them my teaching, my teaching once more. As in the Second Time, some believed Me and others denied My presence. But out of those who have recognized me, my new disciples will come forth, who will bear witness to me.

64 Behold, mankind is again confused. But I do not teach them sensuous ritual acts; I only give them a love teaching so that they understand what the will of the father is.

65 The Holy Spirit has manifested himself among men, women, and children. Upon them my grace has poured out, that they may be the ones who bear witness to my presence in this time.

66 I have come to show you the same law and to remind you of the same instruction as the one I gave you in times past For the Father, with his sublime wisdom, has at no time come to confuse you. The light of the Holy Spirit has enlightened you to explain to you all my teachings so that you and then all mankind may apply them with love, with perfection in their actions and thoughts.

67 Man lives at the height of his depravity. He strives only for material things, for gold and power on earth, but his spiritual soul longs for my peace. You, too, Israel, have in the course of time covered stony paths and have not yet been able to reach the Promised Land, because you did not know how to love one another and unite and rejected one another. But in this third time I have given you the best place at my table and have caressed you so that you may know that I am with you as Father, so that you may all form one family.

68 People, nurture the hearts of the blessed children, that they may love one another from their tender childhood and know the way of love and justice.

69 In this time my word enlightens you anew. I will pour out my grace in abundance so that you may be pure and graceful. But if you fall again into sin, recognize, people, that it is not I who remove you from my womb, but you who remove yourselves from me, though it is not my will. But my forgiveness and my love are like open gates to receive everyone who wants to return to me repentantly.

70 Israel: You are the messengers of this time, and I have chosen you to be my faithful servants. I see that although you carry pain in your heart, you are devoted and obedient, and I tell you I will raise you up, blessed children, fear neither men nor the forces of nature, do not fear to travel distances, for it is I who have chosen you and clothed you with My grace so that you may rise and at all times sound the wake-up call for spiritualists to turn away from the confusion and fanaticism of the world. Show them my true teaching through your actions full of spirituality.

71 "Hear me, beloved Israel. Open your spiritual eyes and see the glory of your Father. Hear my voice through your conscience, hear with your spiritual ears the heavenly melodies, so that your heart and mind may rejoice, so that you may feel peace; for I am peace and invite you to live in it. I reveal to you the love I have always felt for mankind, the reason why Jesus shed His most precious Blood in the Second Age to redeem you from sin, to teach you love and to imprint true teaching on your mind and heart.

72 Beloved people: If in your way your afflictions and your sorrows should be great, rise up in prayer to the Father, with that true prayer that escapes your heart. Then you will feel strong and glorify the name of your Father.

My peace be with you!


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